Why the money stuff on a photography blog?

August 02, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

I’ve been at it for a while doing a financial blog.  Though, it occurred to me that many readers may not understand why a photographer is doing a financial blog.  So, I must enlighten you.  Photography has been a hobby of mine for a long time.  I got my first dSLR during our honeymoon.  Ever sense then, it has been learning about all kinds of stuff.  Now I have my process down and how to make my photos unique.  I am still learning, but I am not longer a beginner.

I decided to set up my website around aviation photography.  I have loved aviation from when I was very little.  I remember going to McConnell Air force Base and seeing the Blue Angles.  I remember getting tours by a couple of jet engine mechanics during career day.  Boeing was on strike, so we got paired up with people on the base.  Being from Wichita, I remember all kinds of planes flying overhead.  It made me really want to go into some career with aviation.

Life took different approaches, and I fell back on something I was good at, IT.  I do enjoy computers, and the challenges they give.  I still continue to do IT.  I never thought that one day the aviation community would come into my life.

During Bikes, Blues, and BBQ in Fayetteville, AR, they had an air-expo day where they brought in the B-29 FIFI.  I was a kid in a candy store.  I remembered seeing F-16’s take off, and just loved being around them.  So, when I got a job in the Kansas City area, I found that the Commemorative Air force had a wing in the area.  That started me on the path that I am on now.  To continue to be around planes, to enjoy the aviation community, to respect our military and to create this website.

The date that I got to see FIFI was September 21, 2013.  Earlier that same here, I noticed we were over drafting more than usual.  I also noticed we were struggling paying some bills.  So, I took it upon myself to build a ledger to figure out the flow of our money.  That helped.  In August that same here I started on the corporate version of Dave Ramsey’s Financial Pease University.  We got out life in order, and started on the baby steps.  In 2014, we moved to KC.

So, why do I have a financial blog on a photography website?  Because, it’s what important to me.  I love airplanes, I really want to fly, and without my finances being right, I will never be able to do that.  I feel many photographers, and people in general, don’t understand money.  I feel its part of my duty as a human to blog about these experiences.

Yes, I do plan to blog about other dreams.  For instance, once I save enough, I’ll blog about my learning to fly.  I will blog about my experiences doing aviation photography, and I might blog about my interest in computers.  I know I’ll be all over the plane, but this is what interests me.

Dream big, and try!  If you don’t, you may regret it.


Andrew Krob


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