The world is crazy

July 16, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

A topic I have been seeing a lot of recently, is the world is coming to an end.  I am a Christian, and I do believe that Christ will come back one day.  In that community I am seeing a lot of people saying that we turned our back on God, since the USA now recognizes same-sex marriages.  I also see people stating the trumpets are going to sound, marking Christ's return, and people saying the Mark of the Beast is an implanted RFID chip.

Beyond the Christian community, I see Greece has been in trouble again, China's economy is struggling, and the stock market has overall not been so good this year.

What does this mean?  We'll it means that the press is doing a very good job is portraying what's wrong in the world.  My opinion?  I do believe in Christ.  I do believe he will come again.  Whether you like it or not, that's my opinion.  However, I do not believe the world is going to end tomorrow.  I maybe wrong, but I don't.  Instead, I am going to hold my opinions, live like the world will go on, and do my best to lead my friends and family.

I recognize other people have differences of opinions.  I am not one to judge you and your opinions.  I think everybody has a right to their opinion, and I have the freedom to believe what I believe.

My only wish is that we were out of debt, so I can concentrate on saving for retirement.  Right now would be a great time to invest, while everybody is freaking out.  Then again, anytime is a good time, just more bang for your buck when people are going crazy.

The thing you have to do is realize the world will end someday.  It might be tomorrow, but to make plans for the long haul.  I'm not saying be ignorant, just realistic.

Blessings and prosperity,

Andrew Krob


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