First Model Shoot

September 24, 2012  •  Leave a Comment
As I stated in my previous post, I was planning on doing some photo shoots.  Well, turns out I did one last Saturday.  I started half an hour before sunset.  It was a nice evening, and temperatures were very comfortable.  From doing landscapes, I used a program called the Photographers Ephemis that showed me when good light will be.

I had a 50 mm f/1.4 and a 16-35mm f/2.8L II lens.  Both of which I had rented from  I do have a 50mm f/1.8 lens, but wanted to see how the f/1.4 was.  I have to say that both lenses are incredible. The 50mm f/1.4 doesn't sound like my old Mazda 626 trying to get into 3rd and missing the gear when it auto-focuses.  The bokeh on it was much better, but not exactly like the 85mm f/1.2 L that I rented for Christmas photos.  The 16-35mm f/2.8L II gave me wonderful photos with a large amount of background.  I can see why people love to have it for landscapes as well.

50mm F/1.4
16-35 F/2.8L II
50mm F/1.8

Enough with the drooling, I should continue on with the photoshoot.  I has always wanted to do something in front of a Coca-Cola sign in downtown Rogers.
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It has always been interesting to me, and decided someday I would do it.  I have never said I didn't want to do portraits, but I never thought I was a good portrait photographer.  Well, that has changed.

I will admit, I seem to be alright at it.  I'm not great and there is lots to learn, but you never know until you do.

I went ahead and found a model, or in this case there were two that are twins, Amanda and Kayla Vincent.  They were wonderful to work with.  I never felt uncomfortable nor judged.  I thoroughly enjoyed the shoot, and it has inspired me to do more.  I will post photos up shortly, but want to get the "OK, we like them" first.

Planning this all out has made me realize something.  For some reason, in many cases, when I try something it's not just an OK job.  It tends to be more of a Good job.  So in that respect I tend to start better than others.  However, I want a challenge.  Some easy is not something I really get much enjoyment out of.  Things that are difficult are a thrill to complete, as long as I don't give up.

For future work, I would love to do more portraits and working with models.  I would love to have more complicated lighting setups.  However, first I need to spend money on lenses, if I truly want to grow further.

One final thought.  I have started a fan site for my photograph.  It's KrobPhotography on Facebook.



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